Selina Nkoile, Founder of Nashipai, member of the school board of Naning’oi girls primary boarding school and an acknowledged youth leader in Kenya in the fight against FGM.
Skills4Change supports this project in partnership with the Nashipai Maasai Community Project and the school board members.
After its establishment in the year 1999, Naning’oi used to be a center where girls flourished acting both as a rescue center and boarding school for young Maasai girls in Mosiro, Kajiado County in Kenya. It is the only female-focused center in a 500 Square kilometer radius.
In 2009, funding started to decline and in 2014 responsibility for the institution was formally handed over to the Kenyan government. Naning’oi was soon on the brink of closure. Enrollment had fallen 5x to below 100.
In 2017, women of the community, led by Selina Nkoile (a Naning’oi alumnus), stepped in and saved the center.
Skills4Change provided so far:
- January 2021: 75 new desks and chairs
- February 2021: Food for the entire first term and a bit beyond, as the school did not receive school fees, even from girls that should have sponsorship from the NPO
- April 2021: 50 bunk beds, 100 mattresses, 100 blankets and sheet sets
- June 2021: new durable doors for the latrines, as the old ones were broken, and more food
- October 2021 food for the final term of the year
- January 2022 we replaced the broken borehole pump with a new one that is solar powered. This was a shared project with Plumpton College and Sarah Davies
- Throughout 2022 we supported with food donations
- September 2022 we provided a computer and printer so the mandatory exam material that is regularly provided by the Ministry of Education through an internet platform can be downloaded and printed at the school.
What’s next:
- rebuild the food forest – the fence for a smaller patch has been completed end of 2022. In March 2023 a group of students from Plumpton College will come to help set up the new garden.
- teacher housing (replace the rusted tin huts and broken latrines)
- additional dorm
- tables and benches for the dining hall